Examinations Vaccination


Ultrasound Exam,
Blood Test and Urine Analysis.
Overall Medical Checkup is also available.


Vaccination for those who stay in Cambodiaー5th Rev. March, 2015

Adverse Events (common to all of the following vaccinations)
Local pain or reddening, Headache, Fever, Muscle ache, Joint ache and seldom Abdominal pain or Diarrhea. They will go away naturally but please consult us if concerned.
Please refrain from hard exercise after vaccination for the day. Taking bath is not prohibited.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a Virus Infection Disease mainly communicable from raw seafood. Therefore, the chances of infection are much larger than other types of Infection Diseases. The symptom is mild or even none with children, but it develops fever, jaundice, diarrhea and or general malaise in case of adults which may require hospitalization of about one month. If in case it turns into fulminant hepatitis it may result in death.

Considerably large number of people are found infected especially in developing countries where vaccination is not popular. It is recommended even for short period travelers to take vaccination. The chances of being infected with Type-A Hepatitis A is high in those areas and it could lead to death in the worst case. In tropical medicine, vaccination of Hepatitis A is considered the most effective inoculation in terms of cost performance.

Number of vaccination and Schedule
2 times in total. Effective for 10 years.
(In case of Japanese Vaccine requires 3 times and will be effective for 5years.)
2nd time will be from 6months to 12months after the first vaccination). 

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is infected through sexual intercourse or medical practice. About 30% of the infected adults show symptoms and require hospitalization of about one month. In worst and rare cases it could turn into Fulminant Hepatitis and lead to death.

The disease is popular in Southeast Asia including Cambodia thus vaccination is a norm even for new born baby and children. It is highly recommended to take the vaccination for travelers who plan to stay long period in the area.

Number of Vaccination and Schedule
3times in total. Effective for 10years.
2nd vaccination will be one month after the first vaccination. 3rd vaccination will be 6months after the first vaccination. (Same schedule also for Japanese Vaccine).


Tetanus bacillus (germ) reside in the soil of not only developing countries but everywhere in the World. They infest through wounds, and once they are inside human body they start producing nerve poison which paralyze nerves starting with ” hard to open mouth” and to ” hard to speak”, “hard to walk” followed by total body muscle tension and convulsion. The death rate is high.

It is possible to vaccinate after getting injury, but when delayed the risk of starting symptoms becomes greater. We recommend immediate vaccination after the injury or better yet in advance.

Number of Vaccination and Schedule
3times in total, effective for 10years.
*Those who were born between 1975 and 1981 should check the record for the vaccination was not available during the period.

*Those who have basic immunity (born after 1968 and or had vaccination 3times) should receive vaccination one time only.

*Those who have no basic immunity (born before 1968 and or never received Tetanus vaccination) should receive vaccination 3times in total, 2nd vaccination one month after the first and 3rd vaccination one year after the first.


Rabies are communicated through being bit by animals infected by rabies virus such as dog, cat, raccoon, fox, squirrel, bats and etc. Incubation period spans as wide as between 2weeks to 2years. When symptom appears it will bring strong sense of insecurity, hallucination, total paralysis and coma which will eventually lead to 100% death by respiratory failure. Since 1956 there have been no patients found in Japan except for 2 people died who came back to Japan after getting infected in Philippines. However, there still are more than 50,000 deaths worldwide per year.

It is expensive and hard to obtain in Japan. The treatments before and after being bit is different respectively. It also is different by country. At our clinic we use only what is called “Tissue Cultured” vaccine which is known to have high immunogenic potential and less adverse reaction.( Animal Nerve Tissue vaccine that has severer adverse reaction is used heavily in some of the developing countries).

Number of vaccination and Schedule
We adopt WHO (World Health Organization) method.
The first vaccination to be day Zero
*Before exposure → 3times in total i.e. day 0, day 7, day 28
*After exposure → 5times in total 1.e. day 0, day 3, day 7, day 14, day 28
The vaccination is effective as short as 1 year to 1.5 years.


Communicable through mosquito bite that carries Japanese Encephalitis Virus. Frequently seen in West Japan, S-E Asia, South Asia. Symptoms appear approx. one out of 250 cases. Once symptoms appear it brings about fever, comatose, convulsion. 20% of them die and 50% suffer after effects.

Traditional vaccine (JEVAX) has been used widely in the world. However, due to the emergence of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis being reported, in Japan a new type of vaccine (JEBIK V) is being used since May 2009.

Number of Vaccination and Schedule
Normally 3 times. Effective for 5 years.
In Japan a periodical vaccination of normally 3 times was a norm until 2005, therefore it is safe to say many Japanese already have basic immunity. For those who already have basic immunity but whose last vaccination was over 5 years ago require just one more vaccination. For those who have not had sufficient number of vaccination or those who are not certain of their vaccination histories, please consult us because the vaccination schedule may be complicated.


Typhoid Fever is a disease developed through infection of Salmonella Typhi which is a type of Salmonella. The infection is through oral sources such as food and water that are contaminated with stool and or urine of carrier patients. Early symptoms are high and persistent fever, headache and joint pain. Early symptoms do not include diarrhea, but rather a constipation. Diarrhea starts after a week or more. It may cause intestinal perforation and requires adequate treatment of antibiotics to avoid fatal situation.
Paratyphoid Fever is a different disease caused by Salmonella Parathyphi-A which is one of Typhoid group. The symptoms are equivalent to those of Typhoid Fever.

There are two types of Vaccines, one is live-virus vaccine taken orally and the other is deactivated vaccine taken by injection. We use the latter at our clinic. These vaccine is not effective for Paratyphoid Fever.

Number of vaccination and Schedule
Normally 1time. Effective for 2 to 3 years.


Japan is still an underdeveloped country in terms of immunization. Public aid is small while the cost is high for patient’s own expense. However, the vaccinations shown above are available at our clinic at relatively low costs. We also offer other vaccinations such as Pneumococcal, 5-Mixo Vaccine which is an injection of DTP for children (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) + Polio + Hib. Vaccination for Rotavirus, Influenza and Cervical Cancer are also available. Please inquire for details at the Reception Desk.




#14A, St.370, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kong 1 (BKK1), Phnom Penh, Cambodia


+855 (0)23 223843 (Japanese)
+855 (0)23 223844 (English/Khmer)

Opening hours

Mon – Sat,
8:30am-1pm / 3pm-7pm